late registration, running WA submission with extra debugging flags) what excuses the issues a bit. My target : Being red in TopCoder (or Codeforces also OK) before ACM-ICPC World Finals 2014. Well, any decision should not make the community worse. Topcoder — Let’s not talk about interface and usability and absurdness for a while :P The div 1 500 problems are mostly beautifully written. This last round was an example, delayed start and low responses some times. The only programming contests Web 2.0 platform. I don't think that Codeforces is much better than Topcoder, so i'm going to argue. Please correct me if you find anything wrong. Codeforces Visualizer. How are the two statements related? The topics are close to atcoder, a bit forces by the input size limitation. I think codechef is better for beginners and has a better UI than codeforces .There are tons of questions here and also categorized very well so anyone can practice. However Codeforces has by far the best website, there is community here which is nonexistent elsewhere (because of blogs) and great contest resources in gym. I know it's much more comfortable to speak in the home language, but It's very annoying to see like 80 comments in the Russian version, possibly containing interesting things and solutions in contrast to 4-5 in English. Overall, I'd prefer English-only comments. TopCoder and CodeForces should be reserved for when your skills are more advanced, as they’re both top sites for competitive coding. Meet Topcoder member humblefool and view their skills and development and design activity. But CF is slightly winning so far. Codeforces has the largest community obviously, and frequent contests. SGU online judge and Timus online judge are specifically known for their problem quality so you can practice there if you want quality problems. Codeforces is all about daily/weekly challenges. But it's unrated. Desktop version, switch to mobile version. That's at least my impression, I haven't competed in any of those for a while. I think that if CFs wants to be a real international reference in programming contests it should forbid the Russian comments. Python 2.7 2. I think, that there are a lot of people, who don't know, that their comments has wrong language. The number of quality competitors isn’t that high but almost always you’ll find 15 — 20 competitors capable enough to make themselves room in top 5. For me, the thrill of CodeForces contests is unmatched, and the ease of viewing other's solutions after the contest is a huge plus. (not in production) eli5 3.13. Codeforces Vs Overview. What do you drink or eat during a contest? 1 hour contests (Makes you think faster, Code faster, More Competitive ). GYM. 除此之外我知道有很多leetcode命令行啊vs code啊,反正为了刷题各位大佬已经很努力了(暗示我就不努力了) 我觉得刷题还是从leetcode开始吧,很简单的理由有不错的讨论区,然后可以研究自己一些细节上写法的问题。毕竟刷codeforces之类肯定不会注重具体实现了。 Topcoder is really the best when it comes to problem ideas but I agree it's UI is very bad. I like the combination of hacking and coding, on the contrary. It's also not just about having questions, but also to participate in the discussions, many interesting points come from other people's mind and I would like to see it. I have never seen TopCoder handling 2200 participants, and you are saying they can handle it easily! Isn't that true? Yeah , I like Topcoder's editorials very much. I have a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Cambridge (Trinity College), obtained under the supervision of Pietro Liò. Codeforces — Something that makes this site really stand out is the community (competitors), very well designed interface and most importantly the frequency of contests. And I think many people feel the same way when seeing Russian comments. TopCoder algorithm contests are a way to develop your coding speed. 1, Div. Codeforces — the only place with the community (and thus the rating matters more here). The contests are quite frequent and the editorial is published quickly as compared to other websites. However I like TopCoder challenges more than Codeforces hacks. AlexErofeev Then there is a possibility to write different things in different languages. I still prefer the TC challenges than the Hacks here, exactly because as other people said it's not fair to some people have the lucky of getting hacked and correct their solutions. TC isn't very stable recently =/, My programing language is pascal , Codeforces allow using pascal but TC not. Codeforces have more problems, some of them are really challenging. TopCoder 3./4. I can't imagine doing CP and not visiting Codeforces regularly. Atcoder — Despite of a lot of contests the problem quality of atcoder doesn’t even seem to flinch a little. While in TopCoder SRM can create an extra account. 'sorted(set(s))' in Python gets me a TLE. (not in production) Tensorflow 3.11. Sometimes there are no tasks which need a lot of server resources, in these cases the system test run faster. Created with a view to connecting people to information, this list below contains a complete collection of all the fantastic resources I've collected over the course of my 11-year competitive programming career. I can't speak much about the quality of their problems, because their site was almost unusable for me. Gennady Korotkevich (Belarusian: Генадзь Караткевіч, Hienadź Karatkievič, Russian: Геннадий Короткевич; born 25 September 1994) is a Belarusian competitive programmer who has won major international competitions since the age of 11, as well as numerous national competitions. CSAcademy is better than CodeForces except that it has less users. My disappointed point is that I didn't see the fighting between ACRush , Tourist and Petr :( . Codeforces/CSAcademy I don't participate in contests on other websites. And TopCoder's website is super counterintuitive. Codeforces Round #104 (Div. Lucky Conversion . Maybe I have this feeling because CF hosts more contests than other platforms, it's hard to say. If you forbid russian comments you will get probably abount 10% of that comments posted in English (and other just not posted) and about -30% to number of users ;), But it would be nice for user to specify his native language and know languages. You can also see wins and tenure with Topcoder. If it was discussed through Russian comments, someone will translate it for you. I just want to ask if they are good way to practice general techniques used in programming contest? Customers like Fujitsu, Harvard, Land O’ Lakes, NASA, Saxo Bank, and many others use Topcoder to supplement and enhance their digital teams. The only thing I like in Codeforces which is not present at TopCoder are Unknown Language rounds. Hi daftcoder, I realize your point, but it's kind of boring to have a question, wonder if it was answered in Russian, then change the language to Russian, use google tradutor and try to understand something and if not ask it. And BTW, I like TopCoder challenges much more than Coderforces challenges. TopCoder SRM Matches; CodeChef Compt Soln; CodeForce Compt Soln; Google Engg Ques; Facebook Ques; Saturday, 11 February 2012. Hi, although I have been using Codechef for quite some time now, I did hear from a lot of friends that Codeforces is better in quite a few ways. @ahmed..  dude when are u going to update ur tool for this codejam.. You are definately right about the first point. I also like the Topcoder challenge phase more than the codeforce hacking, because it is somehow unfair, if you were hacked and a other person was not, and you can correct your error, while the other person cannot. Awesome Competitive Programming . There are many things to learn here, many people eager to join and write qualitative problems. However ejudge has probably even significantly better contest resources. I hope it's a one-time thing, and by default they have multiple (also slow) solutions and they stress test the correctness. But, In Codeforces Contests can't cheat. > I like Codeforces hacking more than TopCoder challenges.I definitely prefer TopCoder challenges rather than Codeforces hacks. Of course we are comparing TopCoder Algorithm section. ", Presenting TLE: the best Codeforces bot for Discord, CSES Problem Set update June 2019: New problems and hacking, Technocup 2021 Elimination Round 3 and Round #692 (Div. But usually its a good idea to skim through others solutions - lost 6-7 minutes worth 100-200 challenge points. I remember watching live scoreboard of last year's ICPC WF in [user:ahmed_aly,2014-06-19]'s site. Like there are still plenty of good problems previously, just more standard/too easy mixed in with good ones if you go back a bit, at least imo. Hopefully it will help somebody to better prepare for the interviews at places like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and others: The bronze/silver/gold levels are a great way to learn new topics if you are just beginning, and I have found the platinum problems challenging and interesting. After correctly setting it up you will realize other challenges are so miniscule compared to this. A curated list of awesome Competitive Programming, Algorithm and Data Structure resources.. But because of that — often contests with problems that are boring in my opinion. TC's editorial is much more comprehensive. For me, it would be exellent if codeforces added to the tab "ACM-style contest", and sometimes given to ACM-style contest. For all other platforms, the issue is that problems are often standard or boring. (not in production) Statsmodels 3.12. I thought there is some committee. Panasonic Programming Contest (AtCoder Beginner Contest 186) Announcement, Codeforces Round 692 (Div. Topcoder is fine once you are familiar with the arena. (answer) I’m doing most of my writing on Quora this year. The only programming contests Web 2.0 platform, Presenting TLE: the best Codeforces bot for Discord, CSES Problem Set update June 2019: New problems and hacking, Technocup 2021 Elimination Round 3 and Round #692 (Div. My advice on practice to become a red coder at Codeforces, TopCoder and AtCoder. 4- I like Codeforces problems quality and difficulty levels more than TopCoder. Frankly, I wouldn't recommend bothering to learn to use it since there are so many other great sites. Atcoder — superb quality of problems that require thinking more than implementing. A very big effort is exerted in it. topcoder open semifinals - Egor (10 minutes delay) Interface looks a little clumsy at first but is actually good once you get used to it. [Beta] Harwest — Git wrap your submissions this Christmas! But we hope that you'll enjoy our contest in the future as well! Egor Having an ability to choose a language for reading/writing comments would lead to language-specific threads (for good or bad). If you can't solve the next problem, you can attempt hacks on those you've already solved, rather than wait for the next phase. Images are used to explain more. Server time: Nov/18/2020 03:00:30 (g1). And TopCoder's website is super counterintuitive. Eg. In the initial revision of this post back in 2014, this particular website was somehow left out, but thanks to the nice community members in comments, we’ve now got an additional, and great, programming challenge site to add to our list. There are some IOI-style contests from time to time, they are the best obviously. The Application of Lagrange Interpolation in Mathematics. Actually I change my mind about the first sentence, most OI (and cf too) have increased on average quality quite a bit recentishly. 2) and Technocup 2021 — Elimination Round 3, Codeforces Round #691 Editorial (finished). (not in production) requests Need help on How to change my USER NAME in codeforces. Note that packages marked as "not in production" means that while these models were used during the project, they are not present in the final website. And if people from Japan will prepare problems, it means one should solve old Japanese national olympiads, that's for sure. E.g. So I prefer CodeForces :x. Hey, I've been lurking this subreddit lately and have been learning a lot. TopCoder Rating means a lot to me rather the Codeforces.. TopCoder is so much more than just SRMs, that hearing anything like this feels like blasphemy to me. Thanks for reply. Or simply count comment as english if it hasn't any russian character. I don't see why everyone can't make an effort to speak in english like in TC's forum, which works very fine. 1 + Div. In the name of the csacademy team I would like to thank you all for your kind words! Hackerrank, Hackerearth won’t be considered because they are not particularly trying to build contest platforms but rather focus more on getting people jobs, etc. Csacademy — A relatively new contest platform, problems are good but the frequency of contest is just too low as compared to other judges. Possibly I'm not clever enough but participating in SRM is indeed much complicated than participating a Codeforces Round. If you’re using any of the two, it’d be best if you use a book like Introduction to Algorithms (CLRS) , as it covers both basic and obscure topics of DS&A to such a level of detail that you’ll achieve mastery of the topic by the time you finish using it. Than user can choose to publish comment in either native or English and can view comments in languages he know. There is no way to interact with the community but most of the after — contest discussions (no matter what online judge) are carried out on Codeforces anyway. Hi r/leetcode.I am an ex-Google software engineer, and I wrote down almost everything I know about interview preparation, and launched a small website. The only issue is that their contests are infrequent and always at the same inconvenient time (for me). 3- Codeforces now makes much more contests than TopCoder. For Atcoder, I have not participated in many contests, but the problems I have seen have been excellent quality. Please conduct more short contests on CSA. thesilentnoise October 4, 2016, 10:19am #6. APPS . then I think answer is "no", because you won't encounter there obvious problems requiring centroid decompositions and persistent treap together etc. Sometimes I don't know if I should solve problems or read others codes. I think Codeforces should hire some people to write the editorial of every round not necessarily the writer of the contest so that at the end we have a good library for every problem on codeforces. Besides that, I really appreciate all the work of CFs, the quality of the problems are very good, and it's also amazing to have more opportunities to traine and have fun. I Enjoy both Topcoder and Codeforces but this point goes to Topcoder. 'sorted(set(s))' in Python gets me a TLE! "Competitors are mostly Indians and the judge performs very poorly." The Application of Lagrange Interpolation in Mathematics. The problems on Project Euler suffer from the same flaw. Use our talent for just one part or for the entire product creation. Actually, CSAcademy has an extremely nice and intuitive UI and even some cute addons such as a graph editor, coordinate plotter. Arguments against topcoder is that the interface is difficult, but navigating difficult algorithmic problem is just like navigating the difficult interface anyways. The only programming contests Web 2.0 platform, But, In Codeforces Contests can't cheat. They are too mathy. Python packages: 3.1. numpy 3.2. scipy 3.3. pandas 3.4. sklearn 3.5. 1. I also learnt most important techniques through USACO problems. I also read that employers put some weight on your TopCoder account if its good enough. topcoder Networks. I really like CF, the biggest problem for me it's the schedule of the contests, they are pretty fixed, fixed in moments that I hardly have time to participate. CodeForces (good problems and very regular contests, also b̶e̶s̶t most active community), CSAcademy (good problems, could be more frequent contests), TopCoder (fine problems, but super confusing site interface, problem submission and irregular contests), HackerRank (personally, I think the problems are a little substandard), CodeChef (again, imo poor problems (I dislike the multiple test cases in one input) and issues in the past with postponing/cancelling contests), Codeforces — good problems but the contest times are never good for me. 2) and Technocup 2021 — Elimination Round 3, Codeforces Round #691 Editorial (finished). Still def worth someone's time tho. I noticed that a Hackathon had an option to link to ones CodeChef account. If you have some questions - ask. Competitors are mostly Indians. I know that codeforces team are working on new ideas every day. 1) Codeforces Round #104 (Div. I’m working on a project this year to build a competitive programming FAQ. Every single proof of every problem needed is found there even if the problem is simple enough. Problems at codeforces are harder in comparison with leetcode (div 1 for sure) + more room for growth. Flask 3.7. psycopg2 3.8. Codeforces GYM is quite helpful training resource for teams. heavy-light decomposition" then maybe he has good point on improving his results in general, but this is not where the fun is in my opinion. Codeforces : Problems are of very good quality ( learnt many new concepts , Editorials are awesome, Hackings, Competitions ..), Topcoder : Learnt different varieties of problems on single concept. I always assumed that the host country is somehow responsible for the selection of the tasks. If you prepare for IOI, don't focus on atcoder or topcoder. Competitive programming sites and interview preparation sites have a lot in common, but they aren’t interchangeable: Is TopCoder the best place to practice coding interview questions? Freelancing. Jupyter (for running notebooks) 3.9. 1. As much as I like tree and dp, those topics are a bit over saturated too. Top Ranked Algorithm High School Marathon Match Conceptualization Specification Architecture Design Development Assembly Test Suites; Record Book Algorithm Component Marathon Match; Coder of the Month Algorithm Design Development; Tutorials. Some 250 pointers seem quite tricky and not — so — straightforward as well. On September 20, 2008, Petr Mitrichev took part in a Topcoder Spotlight Session where he answered […] codeforces vs leetcode. I still recommend competing if you see a good problem setter. And I'd like to see a list of all problems with upsolved ones being marked green or sth. This is most certainly not the case here.) Typical medium/hard problem from AtCoder requires much more thinking and less code than typical medium/hard problems from other sites, so if someone's goal is to have fun by solving problems requiring thinking then it is the best site. CodeForces. Like many of my friends, I started to really participate in online rounds since 2018, and Topcoder's fame already seemed to fade. You are likely to learn many things that won’t be asked during the interviews. What is more important - you will be able to improve your coding/solving speed significantly (2-10 times). Freelancing is a great way of making some side income while still holding down your day job. the last CEOI: I think 2017-2018 season is unbeatable, at least for plat. If you can find the topcoder arena that is an accomplishment in itself. I was recently surprised by wrong tests in one problem (there was a rejudge during the contest). This is one in a series of articles describing the research, writing, and tool creation process. Programming competitions and contests, programming community. Programming competitions and contests, programming community. And also I like the match summary very much. I believe that they can add new features:). I thought you said that you like codeforces more than topcoder, and in the Facebook question you answered you prefer topcoder :D. My answer was Codeforces, then I changed it. However ejudge has probably even significantly better contest resources. For beginners, Topcoder is not so nice, because especially in division one, one stupid mistake can make you fall down quite quickly. December 11, 2020 December 11, 2020 Uncategorized Leave a comment December 11, 2020 Uncategorized Leave a comment I also agree the site is stable, especially recently, despite the increased number of participants. Now I remember there is some call for tasks, so yeah, the country doesn't affect the problems. The new discount codes are constantly updated on Couponxoo. Yep, exists an idea to have double-language comments that may be displayed differently in different languages. The latest ones are on Dec 15, 2020 8 new Codeforces Vs results have been found in the last 90 days, which means that every 12, a new Codeforces Vs result is figured out. I think CFs is getting more stable but still behind TC. (not in production) Keras 3.10. It would be interesting to have a small checking function to avoid this human error. This makes me feel more as a visitor than a member. One thing that bothers me is the option of comments in Russian. Funny enough, I changed today to the Russian language and I noticed that some guys replied the same question I did to other guy in english but didn't set up the language correctly, so it was only being displayed in the Russian interface. Visualize, analyze and compare codeforces user profiles. bciobanu and myself. Codeforces Vs can offer you many choices to save money thanks to 15 active results. The format of contests is strange (only 3 problems, so often only 1 main problem to decide your place), but the quality of problems is on a very high level. It depends on what you are aiming for. I feel sad when I see Chinese comments (especially with a lot of "+" — clearly there is something clever/funny, but I just can't read it). Codeforces. Need help on How to change my USER NAME in codeforces. In that site, beside the team's name, there are the TC handles of the team's members. So I guess that answer to "are they good way to practice general techniques used in programming contests?" I didn't get you. A huge amount of your nerve cells die every time when you wait for a rating update on Codeforces. Among the platforms, CF, CSAcademy and Codechef should be fine. CodeForces; TopCoder; Spotify; Hello, and welcome to one of my homes on the web! POJ ZOJ UVALive SGU URAL HUST SPOJ HDU HYSBZ UVA CodeForces Z-Trening Aizu LightOJ UESTC NBUT FZU CSU SCU ACdream CodeChef CF::Gym OpenJudge Kattis HihoCoder HIT HRBUST EIJudge AtCoder HackerRank 51Nod TopCoder E-Olymp 计蒜客 LibreOJ UniversalOJ I checked last few AtCoder contest and their problems seems like brain teaser with constructive and ad-hoc solutions. Frequent contests and unfortunately quite frequent issues with the judge. On one hand, Codeforces is a social network dedicated to programming and programming contests. Still, I think TopCoder can handle 2200 participants easily but Codeforces seems to have problem to handle it. Codeforces. Sometimes the judge performs poorly. Aren't ioi-style problems considered to be more mathy? However Codeforces has by far the best website, there is community here which is nonexistent elsewhere (because of blogs) and great contest resources in gym. I like to use the site to recommend problems, which only works with codeforces. (Lot of people participating on atcoder and codechef are Japanese and Indians respectively. I am sorry, I didn't mean to say anything about Indians, I just wanted to add that the percentage of Indian competitors in quite high. In topcoder I like separation of challenge phase and coding phase. Menu. Programming competitions and contests, programming community. It's not exactly true because CF have ACM-style competitions, team competitions. In Codeforces you can have the same problems as in TopCoder but not vice versa (I think it will be difficult to pass 10^6 numbers as a method arguments). This includes, quicker response from discussion forums, more number of competitions, editorials being better and being on time, etc… I am not a complete beginner but I still consider myself some 3 rating type of person on codechef. 2- I like Codeforces contest format more than TopCoder contest format, the contest contains more problems and more time, and I like Codeforces hacking more than TopCoder challenges. Or perhaps, if conditions are right, it could potentially become a full-time job. [Beta] Harwest — Git wrap your submissions this Christmas! Topcoder vs CodeChef vs Codeforces vs Project Euler etc. Is the country responsible for preparing problems? At the moment there are only 2 active people on CSA. Recent topcoder failure was not because of number of participants. TopCoder can handle 2200 participants pretty easily I believe. 1) A. Panasonic Programming Contest (AtCoder Beginner Contest 186) Announcement, Codeforces Round 692 (Div. :D. I love TC and I love CF. It allows you to Hide/Show problems' tags in an easier way (i.e. The site interface is clean. For Hackerearth, I will say this site helped me learn some data structures even though it's not really geared towards contests, as they often have tutorials and some straightforward implementation problems to help you practice what you just learned. For more information, see A Project for 2020. Solving any of the problems in the practice arena is difficult unless you already have knowledge of various algorithms. I'm glad others share my frustrations with TopCoder. NASA Tournament Lab; Events; Statistics. which is in fact a good thing in my opinion. Maybe too many problems where you should guess a solution without proving anything. Petya loves lucky numbers very much. I also appreciate more time and more tasks in Codeforces than in TopCoder. Isn't Atcoder a good place to train for IOI because it's in Japan this year? 1, Div. AtCoder — by far the best problems 2. To read the whole series, see my CPFAQ category page. 2) Editorial, Invitation to CodeChef December Cook-Off 2020. We have the specialized UI designers, developers and testers you need to create and deploy an amazing digital experience. where I waited a long time without answer. 1 + Div. CSAcademy has very good problems. I'm not expert at it, but I've always thought they mostly need thinking skills rather implementation of algorithms, which, I think, needs more logic and more of maths. Codeforces is improved constantly (e.g. We would like to host more contests as well, but we'll need more people to do so. I think it's not too difficult because there is much problems which cannot be given in CF-style contests(for example, the problems to the fact the "stuff" into time limit). Does anyone know how it works? PostgreSQL 9.6.3 3. You already have to know the algorithms to solve the problems in a reasonable time frame. I have corrected it in the comment. Polygon. 2) Editorial, Invitation to CodeChef December Cook-Off 2020. Last year, I did attempt to participate in a SRM, but I met various difficulties. The number of implementation problems is increasing and idea — based problems seem to be lost. Codechef — The reason that most of the good competitors don’t compete on Codechef is quite obvious (I think). The past few years have had higher consistent quality tho. It would be great if CF has forums properly structured. This is where you get to compete with the best competitors from all over the world. If someone likes to say "this is a programming contest, not an algorithmic one" or "I don't get why people don't learn SSE these days which is more useful than e.g. So speaking about problem quality it definitely can be a good place to practice hard problems (given that you can find particularly hard problems). Contests are quite rare, at least the main ones (AGC). What do you drink or eat during a contest? One minor issue is that at least last time I checked, you have to copy-paste your code in, not just upload a file. The biggest set of problem setters and thus the biggest variety of problems (I think). XGBoost 3.6. Maybe an option to choose whether user wants to translate his comment without assistance or he wants site to translate it using google would do? Maybe it's better to continue this in other thread and probably in Russian. Instant editorials, downloadable tests, visible codes of others, no issues with the judge. Since there are only a few contests per year, the problem bank is relatively limited, but still high quality. Regarding quality of problems in my opinion: 0. Good time zone for Europe. USACO problems, particularly older ones by only a few years, are not the best as far as OI goes, at least on average, though there are def some nice gems. You can get the best discount of up to 50% off. I’m Petar, a Senior Research Scientist at DeepMind. If your predictions are correct then we need another strategy hehe. Everything else either has weird problems or bad timing, for me at the least. 21 votes and 8 comments so far on Reddit. weird sort codeforces solution Yes, my first contest ever was not a Topcoder SRM or a Codechef cook off. It took a long time to even load a single problem, the ui is very poorly designed imo (very small vertical space to write code), and I disliked how they wanted you to write your solution (seems more geared toward Java users). I also recommend USACO problems. 1- Codeforces contests now are more stable than TopCoder contests, there were about 2200 registrants today (not all of them participated) and the contest ran smoothly (at least for me). I compete there every time I'm able to. Create an extra account resource for teams little clumsy at first but is actually good once you are likely learn... Mostly Indians and the judge the combination of hacking and coding phase probably in Russian already to... Or boring some call for tasks, so yeah, the problem bank is relatively limited, but the in. I know that Codeforces is much better than TopCoder the site to recommend,. Entire product creation navigating the difficult interface anyways, on the web codeforces vs topcoder I do know! Not exactly true because CF have ACM-style competitions, team competitions without proving anything subreddit... Have never seen TopCoder handling 2200 participants easily but Codeforces seems to have to... All for your kind words sklearn 3.5 are no tasks which need lot! ( and thus the rating matters more here ) sklearn 3.5 the supervision of Pietro.. When are u going to update ur tool for this codejam codeforces vs topcoder you are they! Should not make the community ( and thus the biggest variety of problems ( I think CFs getting... 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