And how do you use your own logger instance? Queries of sys.event_log can contribute to the problem.

Still unsure about emailing though. From what you said it sounds like I'll be able to find the log files on the server and possibly use the SDK in the future for more detailed ones. If you are thinking about using Azure Functions, at some point you will be confronted with the challenge of figuring out how application logging works.Logging in Azure Functions has some unique challenges due to the stateless nature of the serverless execution model.In this article, we will cover some basics about Azure Functions and provide instruction on how to write application logs. First published on MSDN on May 04, 2018 Reviewed by: Kun Cheng, Borko Novakovic, Arvind Shyamsundar, Mike Weiner Azure SQL Database Managed Instance is a new offering that provides an instance-based SQL PaaS service in Azure.

Examine the deployment operations with the following command: az deployment group operation list \ --resource-group examplegroup \ --name exampledeployment helps you monitor everything from Azure Websites to Functions. In my previous articles listed below, we have learned how to create Azure App Service web app. Azure App Service: Create Web App from Visual Studio

But where does the logged event go?

Monitoring purpose, Azure Data Factory provides email notification out of the box, but activity specific notification with a following activity requires additional Azure services (LogicApp, SendGrid). All I did was replace my logging statements with Console.WriteLine and then used the Publish as Azure WebJob option in VS 2015. Currently, Azure CLI doesn't support turning on debug logging, but you can retrieve debug logging. Microsoft is working to resolve this issue. I scheduled it via the portal. When you create a new Azure Functions app, you’ll configure its storage location. And that’s how you log in Azure Functions.

Users of the NewRelic SQL Server plugin should visit Microsoft Azure SQL Database plugin tuning & performance tweaks for additional configuration information. Our native integrations identify when new errors are introduced in production. In the meantime, to reduce the impact of this issue, limit queries of sys.event_log. The default Azure Functions log location. That’s the real trouble! If you have the Azure SDK installed, then in Visual Studio you can browse to this in the Cloud Explorer window. The final thing worth pointing out, is that all the logging and timing information of your functions output is stored in the Storage Account that was created when you created your Functions App.

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