With the exception of iPad mini, Safari on iPad will now send a user-agent string that is identical to Safari on macOS. Оно не влияет на контент, загруженный как chrome, за исключением текстовых блоков.

I'm creating a site that will be viewed on the iPad and I'm trying to prevent the copy and paste bubble from appearing when the user touches and holds on an image because I'd like something to happen ontouchstart and ontouchend. Content outside of what's being marked as -webkit-user-select: none should be editable, but not the content marked as -webkit-user-select: none. If the selected element is editable, then pressing tab key will insert the tab character. WebKit is an open source Web content engine for browsers and other applications. For example, it …

That included adding new support for Pointer Events, the Visual Viewport API, and programmatic paste. In Internet Explorer and Opera, use the unSelectable attribute for similar functionality. If a user initiates a drag operation on the text in the span tag, WebKit calls SpanDragHandler to handle the event. Determines whether a user can select the content of an element. This event handler is commonly used to create a SELECT element that reacts as soon as the user has selected … Of course, using JS to achieve that end is bad, but the CSS solution also has its problems (in some browsers, user-select alone won't work, it requires the "-vendor-" prefix, like -moz-user-select and -webkit-user-select, so, to make it work, it's necessary to set all possible variations to none). Not necessarily useful but interesting that WebKit gives us this ability.-webkit-user-select. The user-select property enables authors to specify which elements in the document can be selected by the user and how. If you select everything and copy it, the specific text element is not beeing copied. CSS property: -webkit-user-select Description. Sadly in Chrome this doesn't work. This property is the same as the user-select property in the CSS3 declaration.. The user cannot select any content. In Internet Explorer and Opera, use the unSelectable attribute for similar functionality.

A fast, open source web browser engine. void webkit_settings_set_enable_javascript (WebKitSettings *settings ... users will be able to focus the next element in the page by pressing the tab key. This property is the same as the user-select property in the CSS3 declaration.. The user-select property specifies whether the text of an element can be selected. Syntax-webkit-user-select: auto | none | text; Values auto. Chrome has supported only prefixed version: -webkit-user-select. In Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari, there is another possibility to make an element unselectable.

In Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Safari, there is another possibility to make an element unselectable.

In Internet Explorer and Opera, use the unselectable property for similar functionality.

WebKit is the web browser engine used by Safari, Mail, App Store, and many other apps on macOS, iOS, and Linux. user-select は CSS のプロパティで、ユーザーが文章を範囲選択できるかどうかを制御します。これは、テキストボックスを除いて、クロームとして読み込まれたコンテンツには何の影響も与えません。 This gives you the baseline you need to start adapting the code to also support IE10. The user can select text in … onChange: Code is fired whenever an OPTION within SELECT changes, through the user selecting another option. The userSelect property sets or returns whether the text of an element can be selected or not. Konqueror CSS prefixes,such as -khtml-user-select and -khtml-border-radius For example, to add a CSS3 box shadow ( box-shadow property) to an element at the moment, you need to define 3 separate CSS properties to cover all your bases (IE9+, FF3.5+, Safari 4+/Chrome and Opera 8.5+): Well, all I can say about that is, I guess some users at stackoverflow don’t think CSS 3, Phonegap, HTML 5, and -webkit-user-select: is a common situation. Get started contributing code, or reporting bugs.. Indeed the browser does not select … You cannot use this class to change the web view's configuration after it has been created. This property is the same as the user-select property in the CSS3 declaration. > What should be the desired behaviour? iPhoneでのコピペを禁止にするのは-webkit-user-select:none;でいいと思うのですが、アンドロイドでのコピペを禁止するにはどうしたらいいですか?-webkit-user-select:none;だけだとコピペできてしまいます。CSSの方法でしょうがCSSのカテゴリがないのと、JavaScriptでのやり方も知りたかったので …

スタイルシートの-webkit-user-selectプロパティは、ユーザがHTMLの要素を選択したときの動作を制御する。 -webkit-user-selectはChrome及びSafari、-moz-user-selectはFirefox、-ms-user-selectはInternet Explorerの独自拡張機能である。 JavaScript Promises in particular showed a 2× improvement in … Specifies or retrieves whether the text of the element can be selected. For example, it can be used to make text unselectable. This property can be used to prevent this. – Cyberknight Oct 27 '18 at 0:33 | If you double-click on some text, it will be selected/highlighted.

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