spill the beans, Informal. Shortly thereafter, the phrase “spill the beans” came to mean “upset a previously stable situation by talking out of turn,” which is similar to the modern use of the phrase. Lehmann's been warned by Germany he needs to be playing if he's to go to Euro 2008 and last week he blasted Wenger for "humiliating" him … The meaning of the phrase "spill the beans" is to make a secret known. The derivation of this expression is sometimes said to … Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SPILL THE BEANS. Meaning: disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely. Definition: To reveal a secret, usually accidentally. Find descriptive alternatives for spill the beans. The earliest I found is a 1902 beans were spilled in horse-racing, meaning "caused an upset", quoting owner E. J. Arnold. Of ze gingen alles vertellen, als dit verdomde feestje niet gaf. It is made up of two earlier meanings of spill and beans.In the 16th century, to spill meant to talk; to divulge, and in the 13th century, beans meant information. This expression originated around the early 1900s, with its first record use in 1919. Spill the Beans. Origin of Spill the Beans. Spill the Beans Meaning When someone “spill the beans”, It means he/she reveals a secret information or to give something away, especially to do so maliciously.
ing, spills v.tr. spill the beans Meaning : disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely. Example : The Scotland Yard Police have been trying to get him to spill the beans about the anomalies in … Said they'd spill the beans if I didn't give them a party.

Origin. Take me in, I'll spill the beans. Learn more, including synonyms, examples, and this idiom's origin. b. Spill The Beans is an idiom meaning: To divulge a secret, especially to do so inadvertently or maliciously. Unless you spill the beans at dinner tonight. Nautical a. Meaning: to reveal secret information accidentally or maliciously, often ruining a surprise or other plan. Vertel op, of ik vermoord je. To shed (blood). Anders klap ik uit de biecht. 2. Shortly thereafter, the phrase “spill the beans” came to mean “upset a previously stable situation by talking out of turn,” which is similar to the modern use of the phrase. Sentence examples I accidentally spilled the beans when I told my friend we're painting the baby's room pink. Meaning: to reveal secret information accidentally or maliciously, often ruining a surprise or other plan. To scatter (objects) from containment: spilled the armload of books on the desk. Learn more, including synonyms, examples, and this idiom's origin. 3. Synonyms for spill the beans at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Spill the beans definition: to reveal the truth about something secret or private | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. In this colloquial expression, first recorded in 1919, spill means "divulge," a usage dating from the 1500s. The Phrase Finder has 1908 for the meaning of "upset the applecart" and 1911 for "upset a previously stable situation by talking out of turn". To be more clearly, if your friend warns you not to spill the beans, it means she/he doesn’t want you to tell any one her/his secret. Example : The Scotland Yard Police have been trying to get him to spill the beans about the anomalies in the department but he won't tell them a thing.

Otherwise I'll spill the beans. The OED has spill the beans meaning "to reveal a secret" from 1919. 4.

Spill the beans, or I'll spill your blood. To relieve the pressure of wind on (a sail). 1. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word spill the beans will help you to finish your crossword today. Spill the Beans.
18. Spill the beans already! Neem me mee, ik zal alles vertellen. Spill the beans: to tell someone a secret or tell information before you were supposed to. to disclose a secret, either accidentally or imprudently, thereby ruining a surprise or plan: He spilled the beans, and she knew all about the party in advance. To cause or allow (a substance) to run or fall out of a container. Spill the Beans Meaning. Disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely, as in You can count on little Carol to spill the beans about the surprise.

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